How Does The New Roadhow App Work?

29 Oct 2021

Are you looking to keep your driving knowledge fresh? Or are you a learner looking for some extra-curricular learning before your theory and practical tests? Well, there may be a new, forward-thinking app that can help you do just that. A new software platform and app, Roadhow, has been developed with the aim of making it both enjoyable and easy for learners and experienced drivers to keep updated on road safety. 

RoadHow, the new app-based driver risk management system is dedicated to improving driver knowledge and reducing road risk with the goal of reducing crashes, injuries and fatalities on the road. 
The multi-faced app provides training and quizzes on everything from motorways and what to do in an accident, to how to look after your paperwork and more. The useful app functions to offer users discounts on hundreds of popular brands as part of its RoadHow Rewards scheme. With opportunities to earn real rewards and a full suite of DVSA courses for learner drivers to revise and hazard perception tests, drivers are being given a whole new opportunity to improve their road safety knowledge. 
The software platform and app has been in development for two years and is even open to insurers looking to review and monitor the data collected. This B2B aspect allows insurers to offer incentives or discounts on car insurance, adding a new set of data into the insurance pricing and underwriting decision-making process.
Learner drivers can also use the RoadHow app to practice DVSA Theory Test revision questions. It is the only app on the market that allows learner drivers to build their knowledge in the form of a series of AI-calculated scores as they work towards passing their test. 
“For too long, the insurance industry has had limited visibility of driver knowledge and skills data upon which to base underwriting and pricing decisions. We're changing that with RoadHow. Through RoadHow, we will be able to provide insurance companies with real data that will create a much stronger relationship for both the insurance company and the driver. We want to reward good behaviour through data.” Adrian Ryan, Chief Executive Officer at RoadHow
Do road safety apps work? 
According to the World Health Organization report, 1.35 million people are killed due to traffic accidents, and millions are injured annually. As WHO reports on, not only the UK but the global status of road safety, despite being among the leading causes of mortality, most traffic accidents are predictable and preventable. With these staggering figures, studies have now begun looking into the impact that road traffic apps and road safety courses can have on drivers and the roads.  
Considering the scope and pace of technological improvements, many drivers have turned to technology to help with driving and driver safety. Mobile phones are one of the most widely used technologies and the help of traffic apps have been involved in promoting environmental safety, drivers/pedestrian safety, traffic alerts.
The world has witnessed progress in areas involving traffic jams and road work congestion. Research suggests that apps that give these live updates have helped drivers adapt their behaviours when behind the wheel.
While smartphones can be a dangerous distraction, the correct use of phone apps can reduce risk and promote safer driving behaviour. Apps used with hands-free devices can monitor distractions, protect young drivers, call for help when needed, and prevent speeding. We would never suggest that drivers use their phones while behind the wheel but by keeping on top of traffic updates, road safety laws and speed limits it can lead to our roads being significantly safer.