How Will The Motoring World Evolve In The 2020s?

25 Aug 2020

It goes without mention that the motoring world has witnessed some significant changes, with some of the most dramatic having developed only in the last ten years or so. 

The world is changing and society is adjusting to shifting trends and movements; the car industry is by no means an exception. With social pressures supporting environmentally-friendly living, and as a counter move to the number of drivers on the roads, there is a clear evolution towards greener vehicles, greener motoring laws, and greater safety consciousness. 

Motoring Laws Changing In 2020

Ultra-Low Emissions Zone

April 2019 saw London introduce the Ultra Low Emissions Zone, which is expected to include all of inner London in 2021. This policy appears to have caught wind across the country, with many major cities looking to follow suit in 2020. Well worth double checking if you are looking to visit any cities this year. 

Pavement Parking Prevention

There is a discussion surrounding restrictions on parking on pavements, once more adopting motoring laws introduced in London over 40 years ago. The RAC has become something of an advocate for a new code of practice when it comes to protecting drivers from shady parking companies. The RAC is working towards an independent appeals process, which aims to alleviate the Citizens Advice Bureau who confused drivers turn to for guidance. 

New Drivers Limitations

Newly qualified drivers must be aware of prospective changes to legislation once they have passed their driving test;
  • Curfews: Restricted road usage set to certain times of the day

  • Passengers: Only able to carry a certain amount of passengers

  • Speed: Lower speed limits to experienced drivers

  • Engine Sizes: Limits to engine power 

  • Alcohol: Even lower limits 

  • P Plates to become mandatory

There is also the chance that ‘graduated licences’ might be rolled out as a new motoring law once tested in Northern Ireland. 

Veganism Movement And The Motoring World

Over the course of the last few years, quietly out the woodwork, a plethora of businesses and brands have started jumping on the vegan movement to contribute to a magnificent attempt at reversing the environmental crisis. This includes the big boys like McDonald's and KFC (of course, there is an inevitable financial gain to be made by hosting a variety of dietary requirements on the menu, but let’s not focus on that). However, with 14.5% of global greenhouse gas emissions being caused by animal agriculture, veganism does not just reject animal consumption. Vegan culture also disregards the use of animal products at any level, placing the leather and wool industries under interrogation. 
Though leather is by no means essential in the motoring industry, it is a signifier of enhanced perfection, in theory. Customers turn to premium brands for such perceived extra qualities as leather trim. Though it is true that when it comes to your motor, it is those little touches of luxury that makes your heart skip a beat, perhaps it’s a bit of a cop-out having leather as the default standard of luxury. It’s time for more effort and more innovation. Consequently, to provide customers with the same sumptuous aesthetics, but without the requirement of animal death (into the billions), manufacturers have invented new, exciting and invigorated upholstery alternatives.  
Land Rover always proves to be a cool, constructive manufacturer in the motoring world. It also proves itself as incredibly compassionate having been recognised as a pioneer of future-friendly upholstery. Land Rover designers and partners have worked diligently to unearth a range of premium non-leather upholstery either in Kvadrat wool or a plant-based eucalyptus fibre textile. It is encouraged that those who desire premium quality gently annul from consumerism, and act in a way that does some good. The fabric options offered in both the Velar and Evoque defy any customer who claims a sacrifice has been made in luxury. (Click for the best lease deals on your perfect Evoque or Velar).     
Meanwhile, Tesla entirely phased out leather after PETA invested in shares supporting the brand. Polestar, the sister brand of Volvo, proffers leather-free interiors only. Through the use of Weavetech, the in-house produced PVC material, Polestar provides customers with some pretty awesome upholstery options. 

The Smart Motorway System Spreading Through England

It has been revealed by Highways England that 300 miles of smart motorway are yet to proliferate across England by 2025, adding to the current 488 miles. Whether you like them, hate them, or just don’t get them, you might as well get your head around them - they aren’t going anywhere. 
At its most basic, a smart motorway uses technology to produce an extensive traffic management system across sections of motorway. The idea behind them is to create a more smooth, free-flow of traffic which reduces congestion, therefore, minimising our carbon footprint. Smart motorways utilise the hard shoulder and variable speed limits to control the flow. 
With the hard shoulder becoming a running lane, questions of safety have been thrown into the equation. The RAC and AA have each stepped in and called for more refuge areas to help reduce the risk of safety for those involved in crashes or breakdowns.     

Here are a few easy tips for driving on smart motorways;

  • Lanes marked with the red ‘X’ mean you cannot drive in them (you will be fined if caught using them. Warning; motoring laws will become more severe)

  • Abide by the speed limit displayed on the gantries (overhead structure)

  • The hard shoulder is separated by a solid white line; only drive in it if directed

  • Regular running lanes are divided by broken white lines 

  • If you experience problems as you drive;

  • Immediately switch on your hazard lights (if facing immediate problems)

  • Exit the smart motorway as soon as you can and find a safe place to stop. 

  • If not, then try and locate an emergency refuge area (ERA). 

  • If this is impossible, use the verge if there is no safety barrier.

In the circumstance that you cannot access the verge, but you manage to stop in the nearside lane, ensure you leave your car from the passenger door when it is safe. Find refuge behind the barrier and contact the relevant organisation. (For more breakdown advice, click here. For advice for if you become part of an accident, click here).
With a certain degree of controversy regarding the safety value of these smart motorways, there have been calls for a review. It has been reported that radar-based car detection systems will be introduced in the next three years. These will automatically identify stationary vehicles and will trigger warning signs to alert drivers behind. Watch this space.

The Growing Safety Technology In The Motoring World

Intelligent Speed Assist will become a mandatory function from 2022. This part of the EU’s revised safety regulation aspires to reduce collisions while maximising road safety. Using cameras, a car’s computer will be able to detect speed limit signs and adjust speed as appropriate. 
Extending on this feature, it will eventually become essential for all new cars to incorporate a variety of safety systems, such as;
  • Warning triggers when the driver is distracted or suffering from fatigue

  • Cameras and sensors to make reversing safer

  • Advanced emergency braking (AEBS)

  • Lane assist

  • A black box to record data should you be involved in an accident

Additional safety technology that either has or will be developed into car architecture in the 2020s are forward collision warning, pedestrian detection, ACC (adaptive cruise control) and BSW (blind-spot warning). With so many incredible safety functions, it begs the question; will car insurance companies slowly simmer into the past as we proceed into a future that’s protected by technological advances? 

Access To The Latest Motoring Safety Functions

As these safety functions are not yet mandatory, the cars that do own such attributes are generally newer, higher-level vehicles - translating to £££s. That is where car leasing steps in. The ever-growing trend of leasing ownership is a popular option because the lump sum spent on owning the car of your dreams is substantially less than purchasing outright. Cars2buy provides a filter system which allows you to find your perfect deal for your perfect car.