Lotus To Release Electric SUV In 2022

23 Nov 2020

 Every week there is news about another manufacturer who has announced a planned switch over to electric cars instead of petrol and diesel

It seems like we are talking about electric cars more and more these days. Every week there is news about another manufacturer who has announced a planned switch over to electric cars instead of petrol and diesel, or that they are releasing a new electric vehicle soon. This week is no exception.

Lotus have announced that they will be releasing a new electric SUV in 2022, making more efforts towards an emissions free, electric future.

The Growth Of The Electric Car

In recent years, going back to the first release of the Tesla Model S, the demand and development of electric cars has grown at a huge rate. Before then, the idea of hybrid and electric cars was almost a running joke with car enthusiasts, with references made to the very well made but rather uninspiring Toyota Prius.
That all changed when we started to see just how powerful and fast the engineers at various car manufacturers could make these electric cars. Suddenly, we have luxury cars from the likes of BMW coming out with hybrid and electric variations. That’s when everything really picked up.
Since then, more and more manufacturers have been releasing new electric models, or putting plans in place to go fully electric in the relatively near future. Lotus are no exception.

Lotus’ New Electric Car Concept

Codenamed the Lambda, Lotus are already well into the development of a new electric SUV that is said to boast 750 bhp. As to be expected from Lotus, this means that the SUV really will live up to the “Sports” part of that acronym.
They have stated that they want the new model to outperform the sales of all of their other previous models. This is a tall order and puts very high expectations on the new electric SUV. But at the same time, it suggests that the quality of the vehicle’s production will be top notch, as Lotus are putting so much effort into it.
Little more has been revealed about this new SUV so far, but the current theory is that it will be built in Lotus’ base of operations in Norfolk. This is because the location is currently undergoing significant renovations. That said, it is currently planned as the manufacturer’s base of operations for sports cars, so this remains to be seen.

How You Can Get On The Electric Car Wave

With all of the changes to the industry and manufacturers moving over to electric cars, you would be forgiven for wanting to make the change too. In fact, you would be encouraged to do it. But let’s face it; electric cars are expensive.
So how could you go about making the switch to electric cars? Buying one outright is likely out of the question, so we would recommend looking into a car lease deal for the one you want the most. These can be a great way to get your hands on a new car, including electric ones.
We have a huge list of car leases available here and have put together a number of guides on how to get a car lease. So why not take the first step to a cleaner future today?