Parents 'should have access to young drivers' dash cams'

25 Sep 2019

Parents 'should have access to young drivers' dash cams'

Requiring parents to have access to the dash cam footage of young drivers could keep them safer and reduce the number of serious road accidents, it has been suggested.

In a new report from the RAC Foundation, driving expert Dr Bruce Simons-Morton pointed out that making this compulsory would mean adults have a presence in the vehicles of their offspring even after they have passed their driving test.

The thought of mum and dad being able to see what they are getting up to each time they get behind the wheel could act as a moderating influence in a bid to avoid losing their freedom, Dr Simons-Morton wrote in 'Keeping Young Drivers Safe During Early Licensure'.

In its report, the RAC Foundation also highlighted that evidence suggests many young drivers are likely to be tempted to carry out risky activities such as texting while they drive and showing off in front of passengers when there is no parental accompaniment.

There are currently no compulsory requirements to differentiate new drivers from their more experienced counterparts, although they can opt to display green 'P' plates and participate in Pass Plus lessons.

However, many insurance companies are now placing their own restrictions on young or new motorists, such as curfews or limitations on passenger numbers.

Meanwhile, a quarter of people killed or seriously injured on Britain's roads between 2013 and 2015 were in collisions that involved a 17 to 24-year-old, statistics show.

This is despite the fact that this age group holds only seven per cent of the UK's driving licences.

"Every parent of a young driver wants their child to drive safely without having to be in the car themselves, but virtual supervision can have a big impact," said director of the RAC Foundation Steve Gooding.