Term: 24 months
Annual Mileage: 5000
Initial Payment: £2,063.44 inc. VAT
Admin Fee: 300.00 inc. VAT
Monthly Price (inc. VAT):
Term: 48 months
Annual Mileage: 5000
Initial Payment: £3,511.92 inc. VAT
Admin Fee: 294.00 inc. VAT
Monthly Price (inc. VAT):
Term: 48 months
Annual Mileage: 5000
Initial Payment: £1,678.68 inc. VAT
Admin Fee: 299.99 inc. VAT
Monthly Price (inc. VAT):
Term: 36 months
Annual Mileage: 5000
Initial Payment: £2,512.56 inc. VAT
Admin Fee: 294.00 inc. VAT
Monthly Price (inc. VAT):
Term: 24 months
Annual Mileage: 5000
Initial Payment: £4,764.12 inc. VAT
Admin Fee: 294.00 inc. VAT
Monthly Price (inc. VAT):
Term: 48 months
Annual Mileage: 5000
Initial Payment: £3,813.12 inc. VAT
Admin Fee: 294.00 inc. VAT
Monthly Price (inc. VAT):
Term: 36 months
Annual Mileage: 5000
Initial Payment: £1,655.16 inc. VAT
Admin Fee: 299.99 inc. VAT
Monthly Price (inc. VAT):
Term: 24 months
Annual Mileage: 5000
Initial Payment: £4,999.56 inc. VAT
Admin Fee: 294.00 inc. VAT
Monthly Price (inc. VAT):
Term: 24 months
Annual Mileage: 5000
Initial Payment: £1,974.72 inc. VAT
Admin Fee: 294.00 inc. VAT
Monthly Price (inc. VAT):
Term: 36 months
Annual Mileage: 5000
Initial Payment: £1,438.86 inc. VAT
Admin Fee: 299.99 inc. VAT
Monthly Price (inc. VAT):
Here at cars2buy, we work with leasing companies from across the UK to bring you the best personal contract lease deals possible. Whether you are looking for your next family car or the latest sports cars, cars2buy helps you to quickly compare a range of leasing options.
Compare these lease prices from the top leasing companies to find the contract hire options that work for you and your budget. We have a range of options you can filter through from manual and automatic gearboxes, different fuel types, engine size, and your annual mileage.
Leasing a new car gives you peace of mind that you are getting a brand new vehicle at a fixed monthly cost without the worry of deprecation. At the end of your lease term then you return the car, without the hassling of needing to sell it and look for your next leasing deal. Most leasing deals can last between 2 to 5 years.
If you are ready to start looking for your options then use the filters above to find the lease offers for your preferred make and model. We also have a range of no deposit lease deals that you can browse through here.