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If ever a car was going to tempt you off the motorway in favour of a windier route home it’s the BMW 4 Series Gran Coupe. It’s a great, fun car to drive, very agile and sporty; but, unusually, it combines this with huge practicality in the form of a wide-opening tailgate opening onto a good size boot, and folding rear seats. The cabin is beautifully designed and well-equipped and the car offers a very comfortable ride. The 4 Series Gran Coupe is a great choice for someone who doesn’t just see their car as a convenient mode of transport, but loves to drive it.
A BMW 4 Series Gran Coupe personal lease will relieve the driver of the worries that come with outright car ownership. It’s a well-known fact that cars start to lose value the minute they leave the garage forecourt – with a lease deal, that’s fine, because it won’t be you selling it; you just have to return it to the leasing company. You can choose the length of your contract (typically two, three or four years) over which you will pay fixed monthly payments; and you’ll have a full manufacturer’s warranty which will probably see you through the length of the contract.
There are a large number of BMW 4 Series Gran Coupe leases available now, and you can find a huge range, from many of the UK’s best-known lease providers, here on cars2buy. Our search engine is updated daily, so you can be sure that every lease deal you find is current. You just have to enter your details, adjust the filters accordingly and start your search. You will be shown the BMW 4 Series Gran Coupe leases that best match your requirements. It’s easy and it’s quick – so why not try it and see for yourself?
Several of our providers offer BMW 4 Series Gran Coupe no deposit lease deals, which only require the first month’s rental payment in advance – if this is of interest, just adjust the filters accordingly and see what is available.
1 x Application (93.46%) | 789ms |
1 x Booting (6.54%) | 55.17ms |
Backtrace |
select `car_id` from `car_specs` where (`make_slug` = 'bmw' and `model_slug` = '4-series-gran-coupe') limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select count(*) as aggregate from `lease_offers_personal` inner join `car_specs` on `car_specs`.`car_id` = `lease_offers_personal`.`id_car` inner join `dealers` on `dealers`.`did` = `lease_offers_personal`.`bid` where (`make_slug` = 'bmw' and `model_slug` = '4-series-gran-coupe' and `lease_live` = 1 and `lease_active` = 1 and `live` = 1) and `lease_hash` is not null and `deposit_type` <= 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select lease_hash, same_deal_hash, d_sub, d_subid, lease_live, logo, name, linked, cap_id, car_id, business, personal, in_stock, delivery_time_type, delivery_time_value, metallic_inc, term, mileage, deposit, price_monthly, admin_fee, version, urllink, bid, lease_id, make, model, make_slug, model_slug, trim, uk_list from `lease_offers_personal` inner join `car_specs` on `car_specs`.`car_id` = `lease_offers_personal`.`id_car` inner join `dealers` on `dealers`.`did` = `lease_offers_personal`.`bid` where (`make_slug` = 'bmw' and `model_slug` = '4-series-gran-coupe' and `lease_live` = 1 and `lease_active` = 1 and `live` = 1) and `lease_hash` is not null and `deposit_type` <= 1 order by price_monthly, effective_cost limit 10 offset 240
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select distinct `make`, `model`, `version`, `trim`, `make_slug`, `model_slug` from `car_specs` where (`make_slug` = 'bmw' and `model_slug` = '4-series-gran-coupe') group by `trim` order by `trim` asc
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select distinct `car_specs`.`cap_id` from `car_specs` inner join `images_izmo` on `car_specs`.`cap_id` = `images_izmo`.`cap_id` where `make_slug` = 'bmw' and `model_slug` = '4-series-gran-coupe' order by `car_specs`.`cap_id` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` where `cap_id` = 98399 and `ima_type` = 'CAR' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' order by `ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `bid` from `lease_features` where `manufacturer` = 'BMW' order by RAND() limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `make_related`, `model_related`, `min_price` from `related_lease_models` inner join `min_price_personal_lease` on `min_price_personal_lease`.`make` = `related_lease_models`.`make_related` and `min_price_personal_lease`.`model` = `related_lease_models`.`model_related` where (`related_lease_models`.`make` = 'BMW' and `related_lease_models`.`model` = '4 Series Gran Coupe') group by `make_related`, `model_related` order by sort_order ASC limit 5
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'Vauxhall' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'Grandland' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'Nissan' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'Qashqai' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_backfill` where `ima_make` = 'Nissan' and `ima_model` = 'Qashqai' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'Vauxhall' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'Astra Hatchback' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'Nissan' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'Ariya' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'Renault' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'Rafale' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_backfill` where `ima_make` = 'Renault' and `ima_model` = 'Rafale' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select distinct `make`, `model`, `version`, `trim`, `make_slug`, `model_slug` from `car_specs` where (`make_slug` = 'bmw' and `model_slug` = '4-series-gran-coupe') group by `trim` order by `trim` asc
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `make`, `make_slug`, `model_slug`, `model`, `version`, `cap_id`, `veh_id`, `urllink`, `logo`, `bid`, `d_subid`, `otrprice`, `linked`, `uk_list`, `dealers`.`acc_type`, `cpclick` from `cus_cars` inner join `car_specs` on `car_specs`.`car_id` = `cus_cars`.`id_car` inner join `dealers` on `dealers`.`did` = `cus_cars`.`bid` inner join `account` on `broke_id` = `bid` or `broke_id` = `d_subid` inner join `partner_agents` on `partner_agents`.`pa_bid` = `dealers`.`did` where (`make_slug` = 'bmw' and `model_slug` = '4-series-gran-coupe' and `amount` > 0 and `d_live` = 1 and `live` = 1 and `cap_id` > 1 and `otrprice` > 5000 and `pa_pid` = 5) order by `otrprice` asc limit 2
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `make`, `make_slug`, `model_slug`, `model`, `version`, `cap_id`, `veh_id`, `urllink`, `logo`, `bid`, `d_subid`, `otrprice`, `linked`, `uk_list`, `dealers`.`acc_type`, `cpclick` from `cus_cars` inner join `car_specs` on `car_specs`.`car_id` = `cus_cars`.`id_car` inner join `dealers` on `dealers`.`did` = `cus_cars`.`bid` inner join `account` on `broke_id` = `bid` or `broke_id` = `d_subid` inner join `partner_agents` on `partner_agents`.`pa_bid` = `dealers`.`did` where (`make_slug` = 'bmw' and `model_slug` = '4-series-gran-coupe' and `amount` > 0 and `d_live` = 1 and `live` = 1 and `cap_id` > 1 and `otrprice` > 5000 and `pa_pid` = 5) order by `otrprice` asc limit 2
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select make, model, MIN(otrprice/uk_list) as discount from `cus_cars` inner join `car_specs` on `car_specs`.`car_id` = `cus_cars`.`id_car` inner join `dealers` on `dealers`.`did` = `cus_cars`.`bid` inner join `account` on `broke_id` = `bid` or `broke_id` = `d_subid` inner join `partner_agents` on `partner_agents`.`pa_bid` = `dealers`.`did` where (`make_slug` = 'bmw' and `model_slug` = '4-series-gran-coupe' and `live` = 1 and `cap_id` > 1 and `d_live` = 1 and `amount` > 0 and `otrprice` > 5000 and `uk_list` > 1000 and `pa_pid` = 5) and (otrprice/uk_list) <= 0.995 group by `model`
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select distinct `make`, `make_slug` from `car_specs` order by `make` asc
Backtrace |
select `car_specs`.`make`, `car_specs`.`model`, `car_specs`.`make_slug`, `car_specs`.`model_slug`, `min_price_personal_lease`.`min_price` as `price_monthly` from `car_specs` left join `min_price_personal_lease` on `car_specs`.`make` = `min_price_personal_lease`.`make` and `car_specs`.`model` = `min_price_personal_lease`.`model` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'bmw' group by `car_specs`.`model` order by `car_specs`.`model` asc
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'BMW' and `car_specs`.`model` = '1 Series' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'BMW' and `car_specs`.`model` = '2 Series Active Tourer' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'BMW' and `car_specs`.`model` = '2 Series Coupe' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'BMW' and `car_specs`.`model` = '2 Series Gran Coupe' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_backfill` where `ima_make` = 'BMW' and `ima_model` = '2 Series Gran Coupe' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'BMW' and `car_specs`.`model` = '3 Series' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'BMW' and `car_specs`.`model` = '3 Series Touring' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_backfill` where `ima_make` = 'BMW' and `ima_model` = '3 Series Touring' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'BMW' and `car_specs`.`model` = '4 Series' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'BMW' and `car_specs`.`model` = '4 Series Convertible' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'BMW' and `car_specs`.`model` = '4 Series Gran Coupe' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'BMW' and `car_specs`.`model` = '5 Series Saloon' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_backfill` where `ima_make` = 'BMW' and `ima_model` = '5 Series Saloon' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'BMW' and `car_specs`.`model` = '5 Series Touring' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_backfill` where `ima_make` = 'BMW' and `ima_model` = '5 Series Touring' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'BMW' and `car_specs`.`model` = '7 Series' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'BMW' and `car_specs`.`model` = '8 Series' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_backfill` where `ima_make` = 'BMW' and `ima_model` = '8 Series' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'BMW' and `car_specs`.`model` = '8 Series Convertible' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_backfill` where `ima_make` = 'BMW' and `ima_model` = '8 Series Convertible' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'BMW' and `car_specs`.`model` = '8 Series Gran Coupe' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_backfill` where `ima_make` = 'BMW' and `ima_model` = '8 Series Gran Coupe' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'BMW' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'i4' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'BMW' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'i5' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'BMW' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'i5 Touring' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_backfill` where `ima_make` = 'BMW' and `ima_model` = 'i5 Touring' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'BMW' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'i7' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_backfill` where `ima_make` = 'BMW' and `ima_model` = 'i7' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'BMW' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'iX' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_backfill` where `ima_make` = 'BMW' and `ima_model` = 'iX' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'BMW' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'iX1' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'BMW' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'iX2' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_backfill` where `ima_make` = 'BMW' and `ima_model` = 'iX2' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'BMW' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'iX3' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'BMW' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'M2' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'BMW' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'M3' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'BMW' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'M4' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_backfill` where `ima_make` = 'BMW' and `ima_model` = 'M4' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'BMW' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'M5' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_backfill` where `ima_make` = 'BMW' and `ima_model` = 'M5' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'BMW' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'M8' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_backfill` where `ima_make` = 'BMW' and `ima_model` = 'M8' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'BMW' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'X1' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'BMW' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'X2' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_backfill` where `ima_make` = 'BMW' and `ima_model` = 'X2' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'BMW' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'X3' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_backfill` where `ima_make` = 'BMW' and `ima_model` = 'X3' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'BMW' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'X3 M' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_backfill` where `ima_make` = 'BMW' and `ima_model` = 'X3 M' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'BMW' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'X4' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_backfill` where `ima_make` = 'BMW' and `ima_model` = 'X4' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'BMW' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'X4 M' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_backfill` where `ima_make` = 'BMW' and `ima_model` = 'X4 M' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'BMW' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'X5' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'BMW' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'X5 M' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'BMW' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'X6' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'BMW' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'X6 M' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'BMW' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'X7' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'BMW' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'XM' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'BMW' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'Z4' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_backfill` where `ima_make` = 'BMW' and `ima_model` = 'Z4' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select distinct MAX(price_monthly) as max_price, MIN(price_monthly) as min_price from `car_specs` inner join `lease_offers_personal` on `lease_offers_personal`.`id_car` = `car_specs`.`car_id` inner join `dealers` on `dealers`.`did` = `lease_offers_personal`.`bid` where (`make_slug` = 'bmw' and `model_slug` = '4-series-gran-coupe' and `lease_live` = 1 and `lease_active` = 1 and `live` = 1) and `lease_hash` is not null and `deposit_type` <= 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select distinct MAX(price_monthly) as max_price, MIN(price_monthly) as min_price, MAX(price_monthly) as max_price, MIN(price_monthly) as min_price from `car_specs` inner join `lease_offers_personal` on `lease_offers_personal`.`id_car` = `car_specs`.`car_id` inner join `dealers` on `dealers`.`did` = `lease_offers_personal`.`bid` where (`make_slug` = 'bmw' and `model_slug` = '4-series-gran-coupe' and `lease_live` = 1 and `lease_active` = 1 and `live` = 1) and `lease_hash` is not null and `deposit_type` <= 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select distinct `trim`, `trim_slug` from `car_specs` inner join `lease_offers_personal` on `lease_offers_personal`.`id_car` = `car_specs`.`car_id` inner join `dealers` on `dealers`.`did` = `lease_offers_personal`.`bid` where (`make_slug` = 'bmw' and `model_slug` = '4-series-gran-coupe' and `lease_live` = 1 and `lease_active` = 1 and `live` = 1) and `lease_hash` is not null and `deposit_type` <= 1 order by `trim_slug` asc
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select distinct `car_id`, `version` from `car_specs` inner join `lease_offers_personal` on `lease_offers_personal`.`id_car` = `car_specs`.`car_id` inner join `dealers` on `dealers`.`did` = `lease_offers_personal`.`bid` where (`make_slug` = 'bmw' and `model_slug` = '4-series-gran-coupe' and `lease_live` = 1 and `lease_active` = 1 and `live` = 1) and `lease_hash` is not null and `deposit_type` <= 1 order by `version` asc
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select distinct `fuel` from `car_specs` inner join `lease_offers_personal` on `lease_offers_personal`.`id_car` = `car_specs`.`car_id` inner join `dealers` on `dealers`.`did` = `lease_offers_personal`.`bid` where (`make_slug` = 'bmw' and `model_slug` = '4-series-gran-coupe' and `lease_live` = 1 and `lease_active` = 1 and `live` = 1) and `lease_hash` is not null and `deposit_type` <= 1 order by `fuel` asc
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select distinct `transmission` from `car_specs` inner join `lease_offers_personal` on `lease_offers_personal`.`id_car` = `car_specs`.`car_id` inner join `dealers` on `dealers`.`did` = `lease_offers_personal`.`bid` where (`make_slug` = 'bmw' and `model_slug` = '4-series-gran-coupe' and `lease_live` = 1 and `lease_active` = 1 and `live` = 1) and `lease_hash` is not null and `deposit_type` <= 1 order by `transmission` asc
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select distinct `engine` from `car_specs` inner join `lease_offers_personal` on `lease_offers_personal`.`id_car` = `car_specs`.`car_id` inner join `dealers` on `dealers`.`did` = `lease_offers_personal`.`bid` where (`make_slug` = 'bmw' and `model_slug` = '4-series-gran-coupe' and `lease_live` = 1 and `lease_active` = 1 and `live` = 1) and `lease_hash` is not null and `deposit_type` <= 1 order by `engine` asc
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select distinct `bodytype` from `car_specs` inner join `lease_offers_personal` on `lease_offers_personal`.`id_car` = `car_specs`.`car_id` inner join `dealers` on `dealers`.`did` = `lease_offers_personal`.`bid` where (`make_slug` = 'bmw' and `model_slug` = '4-series-gran-coupe' and `lease_live` = 1 and `lease_active` = 1 and `live` = 1) and `lease_hash` is not null and `deposit_type` <= 1 order by `bodytype` asc
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select distinct `doors` from `car_specs` inner join `lease_offers_personal` on `lease_offers_personal`.`id_car` = `car_specs`.`car_id` inner join `dealers` on `dealers`.`did` = `lease_offers_personal`.`bid` where (`make_slug` = 'bmw' and `model_slug` = '4-series-gran-coupe' and `lease_live` = 1 and `lease_active` = 1 and `live` = 1) and `lease_hash` is not null and `deposit_type` <= 1 order by `doors` asc
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select distinct `term` from `car_specs` inner join `lease_offers_personal` on `lease_offers_personal`.`id_car` = `car_specs`.`car_id` inner join `dealers` on `dealers`.`did` = `lease_offers_personal`.`bid` where (`make_slug` = 'bmw' and `model_slug` = '4-series-gran-coupe' and `lease_live` = 1 and `lease_active` = 1 and `live` = 1) and `lease_hash` is not null and `deposit_type` <= 1 and `term` in (6, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 60) order by `term` asc
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select distinct `mileage` from `car_specs` inner join `lease_offers_personal` on `lease_offers_personal`.`id_car` = `car_specs`.`car_id` inner join `dealers` on `dealers`.`did` = `lease_offers_personal`.`bid` where (`make_slug` = 'bmw' and `model_slug` = '4-series-gran-coupe' and `lease_live` = 1 and `lease_active` = 1 and `live` = 1) and `lease_hash` is not null and `deposit_type` <= 1 and `term` in (6, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 60) and `mileage` in (5000, 6000, 8000, 10000, 12000, 15000, 20000, 25000, 30000, 35000, 40000) order by `mileage` asc
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select (personal+business) as total from `lease_offers_count` order by `id` desc limit 1
Backtrace |
select `Text` from `seo` where (`Make` = 'BMW' and `Model` = '4 Series Gran Coupe' and `Type` = 'Car - Personal Lease')
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `min_price` from `min_price_personal_lease` where `make` = 'BMW' and `model` = '4 Series Gran Coupe' limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
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0 of 0array:7 [▼ "_token" => "8US2imliKc4HDOvdJQYWUVPYwP0h7RZfz6NoHJpa" "views" => 1 "uid" => "3efd9a533b096e3258f6561c1c294947" "last_results_page" => "/personal-car-leasing/bmw/4-series-gran-coupe/no-deposit?page=25" "_previous" => array:1 [▶ "url" => "" ] "_flash" => array:2 [▶ "old" => [] "new" => [] ] "PHPDEBUGBAR_STACK_DATA" => [] ]