Start your search for a Ford personal lease by choosing a model below. We have all Ford models available for you to compare deals from top UK leasing companies.
from £309.58 per month Compare Deals
from £361.75 per month Compare Deals
from £296.40 per month Compare Deals
from £244.37 per month Compare Deals
from £221.98 per month Compare Deals
from £591.29 per month Compare Deals
from £480.28 per month Compare Deals
from £255.77 per month Compare Deals
from £793.16 per month Compare Deals
from £741.14 per month Compare Deals
from £428.44 per month Compare Deals
from £228.87 per month Compare Deals
from £533.93 per month Compare Deals
from £478.81 per month Compare Deals
from £334.89 per month Compare Deals
Every Ford lease deal comes with a storied automotive history that dates back to the early 1900s with the iconic Model T. Ford has been an important character in every chapter of the modern car’s evolution, and the American company has a special relationship with the UK in particular - more than a quarter of new cars sold in 1980s Britain was a Ford.
Ford has achieved immense popularity and success at the peak of motorsport - famously winning the Le Mans four times and as an engine supplier, powered several Formula One drivers to a total of 13 World Championships. Perhaps their greatest achievement is how Ford lease deals consistently achieve everything the average driver needs in their car - value for money, practicality, fuel efficiency and a dash of fun.
The immense popularity of Ford cars should be reason enough to convince you of their quality. Today, the Ford lease deals range offers one of the densest on the market, from the city-going Ka to the family people carrier in the Galaxy, or the hugely popular Fiesta hatchback and Focus compact car - two of the biggest-selling cars on the planet.
However, it would be remiss to discount the US company’s muscle car heritage in the form of the Mustang. Since its first generation in the 60s, it has been a symbol of Americana on our UK roads and has adapted to the fast-growing Electric leasing market with the Mustang Mach-E model. cars2buy’s range of Ford lease deals has something for every customer, and the company’s ubiquity in the world of cars makes it one of the UK’s most popular leasing options.
cars2buy has the highest quality selection of Ford leasing options from trusted partners across the UK. Our transparent service gives you the ability to quickly and easily sift through offers on a variety of Ford models without any hassle.
Take a browse through and compare deals with just a click. You can filter down to the finer details like term length and annual mileage to find the perfect contract for you. It’s a far cry from having to search through hundreds of individual websites and means you’ll be streets ahead in your journey towards finding your next Ford lease deal. We also have a wide range of Ford business leases available here.