Start your search for a Kia personal lease by choosing a model below. We have all Kia models available for you to compare deals from top UK leasing companies.
from £223.70 per month Compare Deals
from £228.77 per month Compare Deals
from £319.28 per month Compare Deals
from £338.26 per month Compare Deals
from £573.60 per month Compare Deals
from £290.50 per month Compare Deals
from £199.25 per month Compare Deals
from £246.50 per month Compare Deals
from £416.05 per month Compare Deals
from £479.38 per month Compare Deals
from £289.82 per month Compare Deals
from £261.89 per month Compare Deals
from £230.80 per month Compare Deals
For a company that started its first three decades making bicycle parts, Kia sure has a knack for creating fantastic modern cars. The South Korean automakers have carved out a niche in the market as a great alternative to the many European makes that flood the UK market, and are poised to provide serious rivalry for the competition with their newest lineup of models. Shop for your next car via cars2buy’s outstanding range of Kia lease deals.
With such a varied range under their belt, Kia seems to have all the bases covered, from family favourites to rugged SUVs. If you’re looking for the latter, the Kia Sportage wins big in the ride comfort, practicality and looks departments, as does the Kia EV6 - the brand’s bold vision for the electric future driven by a phenomenal battery. Meanwhile, the Kia Ceed gained fame for its inclusion as Top Gear’s “Reasonably Priced Car” between series 15 and 20 and few know about the new version’s turbo kick. But it’s the Picanto that represents their affordability best, with its nippy steering ideal for the city streets.
Above all, the most impressive aspect is the value for money, especially in cars2buy’s lineup of brand-new Kia leasing deals. Browse the UK’s finest collection of Kia personal lease offers and define your next few years with one of the most well-crafted vehicles on the market today.
Kia’s focus on scrubbing the “cheapness” out of affordable cars calls to mind brands like Toyota and Fiat when it comes to certain parts of their extensive ranges. Additionally, you don’t even have to look outside Korea to find a contemporary - Hyundai is a more-than-fitting alternative to Kia should you need one. You can browse all of them for the latest Kia lease offers with cars2buy today.
At cars2buy, we make the previously arduous process of finding the perfect Kia personal lease offer a breeze. By using our powerful search tool to compare the latest offers, you can search through hundreds of trusted providers around the country. Not only will it save you a lot of hassle, but will get you behind the wheel of a brand-new Kia for a fixed monthly cost in next to no time at all. At the end of the contract, simply hand your car back to the finance company and you can return to find a brand-new model of your choosing. Start your journey today and you’ll be far closer to securing the ideal Kia personal lease than you think.