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The Range Rover’s chopped-roof cousin was once the vehicle of choice for celebrities and footballers, but now it has shaken off that image and come into its own. cars2buy has a hand-selected range of Range Rover Sport lease deals plucked from the UK’s best and most trusted leasers.
With the Sport edition, Land Rover has enriched the Range Rover with a lower, shorter profile to give it an unflappable and snappy attitude. But comfort is still the model’s main attraction, and the plushness of the Sport’s interior is enough to make you feel like you’re dwelling in untouchable luxury. You’ll be amazed at the affordability when you’re inside one of these crossover cruisers.
At cars2buy, we've streamlined your journey to discover the ideal Range Rover Sport lease. We've gathered the UK's most reputable and competitive leasing companies in one unified platform, allowing you to swiftly browse, filter, sort and compare all of their offerings. Navigating the time-consuming process of leasing is now faster than ever before.
Opting for a personal lease on a Range Rover Sport provides a unique opportunity to drive a brand-new Range Rover Sport for an affordable upfront payment and consistent monthly fees over a predetermined period. With this lease arrangement, concerns about depreciation vanish, and there's no need to ponder the resale of the car later on. Simply determine the lease duration, typically ranging from 2 to 4 years, set your annual mileage, and decide on your initial deposit. When your lease concludes, return the car to the financing firm and kickstart a fresh lease – perhaps even another Range Rover Sport experience!
Get started on finding the perfect Range Rover Sport lease for you by browsing cars2buy’s selection of the UK’s very best out there today.
1 x Application (88.42%) | 268ms |
1 x Booting (11.58%) | 35.05ms |
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select `trim` from `car_specs` where (`make_slug` = 'land-rover' and `model_slug` = 'range-rover-sport' and `trim_slug` = 'dynamic-se') limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `car_id` from `car_specs` where (`make_slug` = 'land-rover' and `model_slug` = 'range-rover-sport' and `trim_slug` = 'dynamic-se') limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select count(*) as aggregate from `lease_offers_personal` inner join `car_specs` on `car_specs`.`car_id` = `lease_offers_personal`.`id_car` inner join `dealers` on `dealers`.`did` = `lease_offers_personal`.`bid` where (`make_slug` = 'land-rover' and `model_slug` = 'range-rover-sport' and `lease_live` = 1 and `lease_active` = 1 and `live` = 1) and `lease_hash` is not null and `trim_slug` = 'dynamic-se'
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select lease_hash, same_deal_hash, d_sub, d_subid, lease_live, logo, name, linked, cap_id, car_id, business, personal, in_stock, delivery_time_type, delivery_time_value, metallic_inc, term, mileage, deposit, price_monthly, admin_fee, version, urllink, bid, lease_id, make, model, make_slug, model_slug, trim, uk_list from `lease_offers_personal` inner join `car_specs` on `car_specs`.`car_id` = `lease_offers_personal`.`id_car` inner join `dealers` on `dealers`.`did` = `lease_offers_personal`.`bid` where (`make_slug` = 'land-rover' and `model_slug` = 'range-rover-sport' and `lease_live` = 1 and `lease_active` = 1 and `live` = 1) and `lease_hash` is not null and `trim_slug` = 'dynamic-se' order by price_monthly, effective_cost limit 10 offset 510
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select distinct `make`, `model`, `version`, `trim`, `make_slug`, `model_slug` from `car_specs` where (`make_slug` = 'land-rover' and `model_slug` = 'range-rover-sport') and `trim_slug` = 'dynamic-se' group by `trim` order by `trim` asc
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select distinct `car_specs`.`cap_id` from `car_specs` inner join `images_izmo` on `car_specs`.`cap_id` = `images_izmo`.`cap_id` where `make_slug` = 'land-rover' and `model_slug` = 'range-rover-sport' and `trim_slug` = 'dynamic-se' order by `car_specs`.`cap_id` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` where `cap_id` = 103149 and `ima_type` = 'CAR' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' order by `ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `make`, `model` from `car_specs` where `cap_id` = 103149 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'Land Rover' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'Range Rover Sport' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_backfill` where `ima_make` = 'Land Rover' and `ima_model` = 'Range Rover Sport' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `bid` from `lease_features` where `manufacturer` = 'Land Rover' order by RAND() limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `make_related`, `model_related`, `min_price` from `related_lease_models` inner join `min_price_personal_lease` on `min_price_personal_lease`.`make` = `related_lease_models`.`make_related` and `min_price_personal_lease`.`model` = `related_lease_models`.`model_related` where (`related_lease_models`.`make` = 'Land Rover' and `related_lease_models`.`model` = 'Range Rover Sport') group by `make_related`, `model_related` order by sort_order ASC limit 5
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'BMW' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'i7' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_backfill` where `ima_make` = 'BMW' and `ima_model` = 'i7' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'BMW' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'X5' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'BMW' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'i5' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'Lotus' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'Eletre' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_backfill` where `ima_make` = 'Lotus' and `ima_model` = 'Eletre' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'BMW' and `car_specs`.`model` = '7 Series' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select distinct `make`, `model`, `version`, `trim`, `make_slug`, `model_slug` from `car_specs` where (`make_slug` = 'land-rover' and `model_slug` = 'range-rover-sport') group by `trim` order by `trim` asc
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select distinct `make`, `model`, `trim`, `version`, `car_id`, `version_slug` from `car_specs` where (`make_slug` = 'land-rover' and `model_slug` = 'range-rover-sport' and `trim` = 'Dynamic SE') order by `version` asc
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `make`, `make_slug`, `model_slug`, `model`, `version`, `cap_id`, `veh_id`, `urllink`, `logo`, `bid`, `d_subid`, `otrprice`, `linked`, `uk_list`, `dealers`.`acc_type`, `cpclick` from `cus_cars` inner join `car_specs` on `car_specs`.`car_id` = `cus_cars`.`id_car` inner join `dealers` on `dealers`.`did` = `cus_cars`.`bid` inner join `account` on `broke_id` = `bid` or `broke_id` = `d_subid` inner join `partner_agents` on `partner_agents`.`pa_bid` = `dealers`.`did` where (`make_slug` = 'land-rover' and `model_slug` = 'range-rover-sport' and `amount` > 0 and `d_live` = 1 and `live` = 1 and `cap_id` > 1 and `otrprice` > 5000 and `pa_pid` = 5) and `trim_slug` = 'dynamic-se' order by `otrprice` asc limit 2
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `make`, `make_slug`, `model_slug`, `model`, `version`, `cap_id`, `veh_id`, `urllink`, `logo`, `bid`, `d_subid`, `otrprice`, `linked`, `uk_list`, `dealers`.`acc_type`, `cpclick` from `cus_cars` inner join `car_specs` on `car_specs`.`car_id` = `cus_cars`.`id_car` inner join `dealers` on `dealers`.`did` = `cus_cars`.`bid` inner join `account` on `broke_id` = `bid` or `broke_id` = `d_subid` inner join `partner_agents` on `partner_agents`.`pa_bid` = `dealers`.`did` where (`make_slug` = 'land-rover' and `model_slug` = 'range-rover-sport' and `amount` > 0 and `d_live` = 1 and `live` = 1 and `cap_id` > 1 and `otrprice` > 5000 and `pa_pid` = 5) order by `otrprice` asc limit 2
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select make, model, MIN(otrprice/uk_list) as discount from `cus_cars` inner join `car_specs` on `car_specs`.`car_id` = `cus_cars`.`id_car` inner join `dealers` on `dealers`.`did` = `cus_cars`.`bid` inner join `account` on `broke_id` = `bid` or `broke_id` = `d_subid` inner join `partner_agents` on `partner_agents`.`pa_bid` = `dealers`.`did` where (`make_slug` = 'land-rover' and `model_slug` = 'range-rover-sport' and `live` = 1 and `cap_id` > 1 and `d_live` = 1 and `amount` > 0 and `otrprice` > 5000 and `uk_list` > 1000 and `pa_pid` = 5) and (otrprice/uk_list) <= 0.995 group by `model`
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select distinct `make`, `make_slug` from `car_specs` order by `make` asc
Backtrace |
select `car_specs`.`make`, `car_specs`.`model`, `car_specs`.`make_slug`, `car_specs`.`model_slug`, `min_price_personal_lease`.`min_price` as `price_monthly` from `car_specs` left join `min_price_personal_lease` on `car_specs`.`make` = `min_price_personal_lease`.`make` and `car_specs`.`model` = `min_price_personal_lease`.`model` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'land-rover' group by `car_specs`.`model` order by `car_specs`.`model` asc
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select distinct MAX(price_monthly) as max_price, MIN(price_monthly) as min_price from `car_specs` inner join `lease_offers_personal` on `lease_offers_personal`.`id_car` = `car_specs`.`car_id` inner join `dealers` on `dealers`.`did` = `lease_offers_personal`.`bid` where (`make_slug` = 'land-rover' and `model_slug` = 'range-rover-sport' and `lease_live` = 1 and `lease_active` = 1 and `live` = 1) and `lease_hash` is not null and `trim_slug` = 'dynamic-se'
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select distinct MAX(price_monthly) as max_price, MIN(price_monthly) as min_price, MAX(price_monthly) as max_price, MIN(price_monthly) as min_price from `car_specs` inner join `lease_offers_personal` on `lease_offers_personal`.`id_car` = `car_specs`.`car_id` inner join `dealers` on `dealers`.`did` = `lease_offers_personal`.`bid` where (`make_slug` = 'land-rover' and `model_slug` = 'range-rover-sport' and `lease_live` = 1 and `lease_active` = 1 and `live` = 1) and `lease_hash` is not null and `trim_slug` = 'dynamic-se'
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select distinct `car_id`, `version` from `car_specs` inner join `lease_offers_personal` on `lease_offers_personal`.`id_car` = `car_specs`.`car_id` inner join `dealers` on `dealers`.`did` = `lease_offers_personal`.`bid` where (`make_slug` = 'land-rover' and `model_slug` = 'range-rover-sport' and `lease_live` = 1 and `lease_active` = 1 and `live` = 1) and `lease_hash` is not null and `trim_slug` = 'dynamic-se' order by `version` asc
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select distinct `fuel` from `car_specs` inner join `lease_offers_personal` on `lease_offers_personal`.`id_car` = `car_specs`.`car_id` inner join `dealers` on `dealers`.`did` = `lease_offers_personal`.`bid` where (`make_slug` = 'land-rover' and `model_slug` = 'range-rover-sport' and `lease_live` = 1 and `lease_active` = 1 and `live` = 1) and `lease_hash` is not null and `trim_slug` = 'dynamic-se' order by `fuel` asc
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select distinct `transmission` from `car_specs` inner join `lease_offers_personal` on `lease_offers_personal`.`id_car` = `car_specs`.`car_id` inner join `dealers` on `dealers`.`did` = `lease_offers_personal`.`bid` where (`make_slug` = 'land-rover' and `model_slug` = 'range-rover-sport' and `lease_live` = 1 and `lease_active` = 1 and `live` = 1) and `lease_hash` is not null and `trim_slug` = 'dynamic-se' order by `transmission` asc
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select distinct `engine` from `car_specs` inner join `lease_offers_personal` on `lease_offers_personal`.`id_car` = `car_specs`.`car_id` inner join `dealers` on `dealers`.`did` = `lease_offers_personal`.`bid` where (`make_slug` = 'land-rover' and `model_slug` = 'range-rover-sport' and `lease_live` = 1 and `lease_active` = 1 and `live` = 1) and `lease_hash` is not null and `trim_slug` = 'dynamic-se' order by `engine` asc
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select distinct `bodytype` from `car_specs` inner join `lease_offers_personal` on `lease_offers_personal`.`id_car` = `car_specs`.`car_id` inner join `dealers` on `dealers`.`did` = `lease_offers_personal`.`bid` where (`make_slug` = 'land-rover' and `model_slug` = 'range-rover-sport' and `lease_live` = 1 and `lease_active` = 1 and `live` = 1) and `lease_hash` is not null and `trim_slug` = 'dynamic-se' order by `bodytype` asc
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select distinct `doors` from `car_specs` inner join `lease_offers_personal` on `lease_offers_personal`.`id_car` = `car_specs`.`car_id` inner join `dealers` on `dealers`.`did` = `lease_offers_personal`.`bid` where (`make_slug` = 'land-rover' and `model_slug` = 'range-rover-sport' and `lease_live` = 1 and `lease_active` = 1 and `live` = 1) and `lease_hash` is not null and `trim_slug` = 'dynamic-se' order by `doors` asc
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select distinct `term` from `car_specs` inner join `lease_offers_personal` on `lease_offers_personal`.`id_car` = `car_specs`.`car_id` inner join `dealers` on `dealers`.`did` = `lease_offers_personal`.`bid` where (`make_slug` = 'land-rover' and `model_slug` = 'range-rover-sport' and `lease_live` = 1 and `lease_active` = 1 and `live` = 1) and `lease_hash` is not null and `trim_slug` = 'dynamic-se' and `term` in (6, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 60) order by `term` asc
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select distinct `deposit_type` from `car_specs` inner join `lease_offers_personal` on `lease_offers_personal`.`id_car` = `car_specs`.`car_id` inner join `dealers` on `dealers`.`did` = `lease_offers_personal`.`bid` where (`make_slug` = 'land-rover' and `model_slug` = 'range-rover-sport' and `lease_live` = 1 and `lease_active` = 1 and `live` = 1) and `lease_hash` is not null and `trim_slug` = 'dynamic-se' and `term` in (6, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 60) and `deposit_type` in (1, 3, 6, 9, 12) order by `deposit_type` asc
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select distinct `mileage` from `car_specs` inner join `lease_offers_personal` on `lease_offers_personal`.`id_car` = `car_specs`.`car_id` inner join `dealers` on `dealers`.`did` = `lease_offers_personal`.`bid` where (`make_slug` = 'land-rover' and `model_slug` = 'range-rover-sport' and `lease_live` = 1 and `lease_active` = 1 and `live` = 1) and `lease_hash` is not null and `trim_slug` = 'dynamic-se' and `term` in (6, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 60) and `deposit_type` in (1, 3, 6, 9, 12) and `mileage` in (5000, 6000, 8000, 10000, 12000, 15000, 20000, 25000, 30000, 35000, 40000) order by `mileage` asc
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select (personal+business) as total from `lease_offers_count` order by `id` desc limit 1
Backtrace |
select `Text` from `seo` where (`Make` = 'Land Rover' and `Model` = 'Range Rover Sport' and `Type` = 'Car - Personal Lease')
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `min_price` from `min_price_personal_lease` where `make` = 'Land Rover' and `model` = 'Range Rover Sport' limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
0 of 0array:3 [▼ "fTrim" => "dynamic-se" "page" => "52" "trimText" => "Dynamic SE" ]
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