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An upmarket, practical mid-size SUV the Mercedes GLC is the epitome of style and refinement. It has fabulous good looks, offers a supremely comfortable ride for the whole family (including adult-sized teenagers) and has a reassuringly five-star-rated safety record. It will take you off-road with panache, but if you prefer to head off up the motorway or just into town it will happily do that too. For a car in this class the Mercedes GLC is surprisingly economical to run with low CO2 emissions and, with residuals looking very good also, it has a great deal going for it.
A Mercedes CLC personal lease makes perfect sense if you want to be in the heady position of driving off at the wheel of a brand new, glossy and very special car without the worry of uncertain finances along the road. Regular, fixed monthly payments mean that you know exactly what is in store; and at the end of your contract you simply hand the car back with no worries about selling it on. Your Mercedes GLC lease deal provider can also offer an optional maintenance package, freeing you of more concerns that go along with outright ownership.
We have gathered together all in one place a large range of Mercedes GLC leases from which you can select the ideal option for you. Our efficient filtering system will weed out the offers which do not fit your criteria, saving you time and simplifying your search; no need to spend hours trawling the internet, it’s all here. Just enter your details, press the search button and find your perfect lease.
It might help you to think about one of the no deposit lease deals which several of our providers offer. In this case, the only up-front payment you need to find is the first of your monthly payments; no large lump sum in advance needed!
1 x Application (93.01%) | 500ms |
1 x Booting (6.99%) | 37.61ms |
Backtrace |
select `trim` from `car_specs` where (`make_slug` = 'mercedes-benz' and `model_slug` = 'glc' and `trim_slug` = 'amg-line') limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `car_id` from `car_specs` where (`make_slug` = 'mercedes-benz' and `model_slug` = 'glc' and `trim_slug` = 'amg-line') limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select count(*) as aggregate from `lease_offers_personal` inner join `car_specs` on `car_specs`.`car_id` = `lease_offers_personal`.`id_car` inner join `dealers` on `dealers`.`did` = `lease_offers_personal`.`bid` where (`make_slug` = 'mercedes-benz' and `model_slug` = 'glc' and `lease_live` = 1 and `lease_active` = 1 and `live` = 1) and `lease_hash` is not null and `trim_slug` = 'amg-line'
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select lease_hash, same_deal_hash, d_sub, d_subid, lease_live, logo, name, linked, cap_id, car_id, business, personal, in_stock, delivery_time_type, delivery_time_value, metallic_inc, term, mileage, deposit, price_monthly, admin_fee, version, urllink, bid, lease_id, make, model, make_slug, model_slug, trim, uk_list from `lease_offers_personal` inner join `car_specs` on `car_specs`.`car_id` = `lease_offers_personal`.`id_car` inner join `dealers` on `dealers`.`did` = `lease_offers_personal`.`bid` where (`make_slug` = 'mercedes-benz' and `model_slug` = 'glc' and `lease_live` = 1 and `lease_active` = 1 and `live` = 1) and `lease_hash` is not null and `trim_slug` = 'amg-line' order by price_monthly, effective_cost limit 10 offset 270
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select distinct `make`, `model`, `version`, `trim`, `make_slug`, `model_slug` from `car_specs` where (`make_slug` = 'mercedes-benz' and `model_slug` = 'glc') and `trim_slug` = 'amg-line' group by `trim` order by `trim` asc
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select distinct `car_specs`.`cap_id` from `car_specs` inner join `images_izmo` on `car_specs`.`cap_id` = `images_izmo`.`cap_id` where `make_slug` = 'mercedes-benz' and `model_slug` = 'glc' and `trim_slug` = 'amg-line' order by `car_specs`.`cap_id` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` where `cap_id` = 105912 and `ima_type` = 'CAR' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' order by `ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `make`, `model` from `car_specs` where `cap_id` = 105912 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'Mercedes-Benz' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'GLC' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_backfill` where `ima_make` = 'Mercedes-Benz' and `ima_model` = 'GLC' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `bid` from `lease_features` where `manufacturer` = 'Mercedes-Benz' order by RAND() limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `make_related`, `model_related`, `min_price` from `related_lease_models` inner join `min_price_personal_lease` on `min_price_personal_lease`.`make` = `related_lease_models`.`make_related` and `min_price_personal_lease`.`model` = `related_lease_models`.`model_related` where (`related_lease_models`.`make` = 'Mercedes-Benz' and `related_lease_models`.`model` = 'GLC') group by `make_related`, `model_related` order by sort_order ASC limit 5
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'Volvo' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'XC90' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_backfill` where `ima_make` = 'Volvo' and `ima_model` = 'XC90' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'Hyundai' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'Tucson' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'CUPRA' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'Ateca' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'Volvo' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'V60' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'BMW' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'X5' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select distinct `make`, `model`, `version`, `trim`, `make_slug`, `model_slug` from `car_specs` where (`make_slug` = 'mercedes-benz' and `model_slug` = 'glc') group by `trim` order by `trim` asc
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select distinct `make`, `model`, `trim`, `version`, `car_id`, `version_slug` from `car_specs` where (`make_slug` = 'mercedes-benz' and `model_slug` = 'glc' and `trim` = 'AMG Line') order by `version` asc
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `make`, `make_slug`, `model_slug`, `model`, `version`, `cap_id`, `veh_id`, `urllink`, `logo`, `bid`, `d_subid`, `otrprice`, `linked`, `uk_list`, `dealers`.`acc_type`, `cpclick` from `cus_cars` inner join `car_specs` on `car_specs`.`car_id` = `cus_cars`.`id_car` inner join `dealers` on `dealers`.`did` = `cus_cars`.`bid` inner join `account` on `broke_id` = `bid` or `broke_id` = `d_subid` inner join `partner_agents` on `partner_agents`.`pa_bid` = `dealers`.`did` where (`make_slug` = 'mercedes-benz' and `model_slug` = 'glc' and `amount` > 0 and `d_live` = 1 and `live` = 1 and `cap_id` > 1 and `otrprice` > 5000 and `pa_pid` = 5) and `trim_slug` = 'amg-line' order by `otrprice` asc limit 2
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `make`, `make_slug`, `model_slug`, `model`, `version`, `cap_id`, `veh_id`, `urllink`, `logo`, `bid`, `d_subid`, `otrprice`, `linked`, `uk_list`, `dealers`.`acc_type`, `cpclick` from `cus_cars` inner join `car_specs` on `car_specs`.`car_id` = `cus_cars`.`id_car` inner join `dealers` on `dealers`.`did` = `cus_cars`.`bid` inner join `account` on `broke_id` = `bid` or `broke_id` = `d_subid` inner join `partner_agents` on `partner_agents`.`pa_bid` = `dealers`.`did` where (`make_slug` = 'mercedes-benz' and `model_slug` = 'glc' and `amount` > 0 and `d_live` = 1 and `live` = 1 and `cap_id` > 1 and `otrprice` > 5000 and `pa_pid` = 5) order by `otrprice` asc limit 2
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select make, model, MIN(otrprice/uk_list) as discount from `cus_cars` inner join `car_specs` on `car_specs`.`car_id` = `cus_cars`.`id_car` inner join `dealers` on `dealers`.`did` = `cus_cars`.`bid` inner join `account` on `broke_id` = `bid` or `broke_id` = `d_subid` inner join `partner_agents` on `partner_agents`.`pa_bid` = `dealers`.`did` where (`make_slug` = 'mercedes-benz' and `model_slug` = 'glc' and `live` = 1 and `cap_id` > 1 and `d_live` = 1 and `amount` > 0 and `otrprice` > 5000 and `uk_list` > 1000 and `pa_pid` = 5) and (otrprice/uk_list) <= 0.995 group by `model`
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select distinct `make`, `make_slug` from `car_specs` order by `make` asc
Backtrace |
select `car_specs`.`make`, `car_specs`.`model`, `car_specs`.`make_slug`, `car_specs`.`model_slug`, `min_price_personal_lease`.`min_price` as `price_monthly` from `car_specs` left join `min_price_personal_lease` on `car_specs`.`make` = `min_price_personal_lease`.`make` and `car_specs`.`model` = `min_price_personal_lease`.`model` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'mercedes-benz' group by `car_specs`.`model` order by `car_specs`.`model` asc
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'Mercedes-Benz' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'A-Class' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_backfill` where `ima_make` = 'Mercedes-Benz' and `ima_model` = 'A-Class' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'Mercedes-Benz' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'A-Class Saloon' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_backfill` where `ima_make` = 'Mercedes-Benz' and `ima_model` = 'A-Class Saloon' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'Mercedes-Benz' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'AMG GT' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_backfill` where `ima_make` = 'Mercedes-Benz' and `ima_model` = 'AMG GT' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'Mercedes-Benz' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'B-Class' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_backfill` where `ima_make` = 'Mercedes-Benz' and `ima_model` = 'B-Class' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'Mercedes-Benz' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'C-Class Estate' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_backfill` where `ima_make` = 'Mercedes-Benz' and `ima_model` = 'C-Class Estate' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'Mercedes-Benz' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'C-Class Saloon' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'Mercedes-Benz' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'CLA' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'Mercedes-Benz' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'CLA Shooting Brake' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'Mercedes-Benz' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'CLE' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'Mercedes-Benz' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'CLE Cabriolet' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_backfill` where `ima_make` = 'Mercedes-Benz' and `ima_model` = 'CLE Cabriolet' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'Mercedes-Benz' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'E-Class Estate' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'Mercedes-Benz' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'E-Class Saloon' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'Mercedes-Benz' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'EQA' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_backfill` where `ima_make` = 'Mercedes-Benz' and `ima_model` = 'EQA' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'Mercedes-Benz' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'EQB' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_backfill` where `ima_make` = 'Mercedes-Benz' and `ima_model` = 'EQB' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'Mercedes-Benz' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'EQC' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'Mercedes-Benz' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'EQE' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'Mercedes-Benz' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'EQE SUV' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'Mercedes-Benz' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'EQS' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_backfill` where `ima_make` = 'Mercedes-Benz' and `ima_model` = 'EQS' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'Mercedes-Benz' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'EQS SUV' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_backfill` where `ima_make` = 'Mercedes-Benz' and `ima_model` = 'EQS SUV' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'Mercedes-Benz' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'EQV' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'Mercedes-Benz' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'G-Class' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_backfill` where `ima_make` = 'Mercedes-Benz' and `ima_model` = 'G-Class' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'Mercedes-Benz' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'GLA' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'Mercedes-Benz' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'GLB' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'Mercedes-Benz' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'GLC' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_backfill` where `ima_make` = 'Mercedes-Benz' and `ima_model` = 'GLC' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'Mercedes-Benz' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'GLC Coupe' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'Mercedes-Benz' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'GLE' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'Mercedes-Benz' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'GLE Coupe' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'Mercedes-Benz' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'GLS' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_backfill` where `ima_make` = 'Mercedes-Benz' and `ima_model` = 'GLS' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'Mercedes-Benz' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'S-Class' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_backfill` where `ima_make` = 'Mercedes-Benz' and `ima_model` = 'S-Class' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'Mercedes-Benz' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'SL-Class' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_backfill` where `ima_make` = 'Mercedes-Benz' and `ima_model` = 'SL-Class' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'Mercedes-Benz' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'V-Class' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_backfill` where `ima_make` = 'Mercedes-Benz' and `ima_model` = 'V-Class' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select distinct MAX(price_monthly) as max_price, MIN(price_monthly) as min_price from `car_specs` inner join `lease_offers_personal` on `lease_offers_personal`.`id_car` = `car_specs`.`car_id` inner join `dealers` on `dealers`.`did` = `lease_offers_personal`.`bid` where (`make_slug` = 'mercedes-benz' and `model_slug` = 'glc' and `lease_live` = 1 and `lease_active` = 1 and `live` = 1) and `lease_hash` is not null and `trim_slug` = 'amg-line'
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select distinct MAX(price_monthly) as max_price, MIN(price_monthly) as min_price, MAX(price_monthly) as max_price, MIN(price_monthly) as min_price from `car_specs` inner join `lease_offers_personal` on `lease_offers_personal`.`id_car` = `car_specs`.`car_id` inner join `dealers` on `dealers`.`did` = `lease_offers_personal`.`bid` where (`make_slug` = 'mercedes-benz' and `model_slug` = 'glc' and `lease_live` = 1 and `lease_active` = 1 and `live` = 1) and `lease_hash` is not null and `trim_slug` = 'amg-line'
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select distinct `car_id`, `version` from `car_specs` inner join `lease_offers_personal` on `lease_offers_personal`.`id_car` = `car_specs`.`car_id` inner join `dealers` on `dealers`.`did` = `lease_offers_personal`.`bid` where (`make_slug` = 'mercedes-benz' and `model_slug` = 'glc' and `lease_live` = 1 and `lease_active` = 1 and `live` = 1) and `lease_hash` is not null and `trim_slug` = 'amg-line' order by `version` asc
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select distinct `fuel` from `car_specs` inner join `lease_offers_personal` on `lease_offers_personal`.`id_car` = `car_specs`.`car_id` inner join `dealers` on `dealers`.`did` = `lease_offers_personal`.`bid` where (`make_slug` = 'mercedes-benz' and `model_slug` = 'glc' and `lease_live` = 1 and `lease_active` = 1 and `live` = 1) and `lease_hash` is not null and `trim_slug` = 'amg-line' order by `fuel` asc
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select distinct `transmission` from `car_specs` inner join `lease_offers_personal` on `lease_offers_personal`.`id_car` = `car_specs`.`car_id` inner join `dealers` on `dealers`.`did` = `lease_offers_personal`.`bid` where (`make_slug` = 'mercedes-benz' and `model_slug` = 'glc' and `lease_live` = 1 and `lease_active` = 1 and `live` = 1) and `lease_hash` is not null and `trim_slug` = 'amg-line' order by `transmission` asc
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select distinct `engine` from `car_specs` inner join `lease_offers_personal` on `lease_offers_personal`.`id_car` = `car_specs`.`car_id` inner join `dealers` on `dealers`.`did` = `lease_offers_personal`.`bid` where (`make_slug` = 'mercedes-benz' and `model_slug` = 'glc' and `lease_live` = 1 and `lease_active` = 1 and `live` = 1) and `lease_hash` is not null and `trim_slug` = 'amg-line' order by `engine` asc
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select distinct `bodytype` from `car_specs` inner join `lease_offers_personal` on `lease_offers_personal`.`id_car` = `car_specs`.`car_id` inner join `dealers` on `dealers`.`did` = `lease_offers_personal`.`bid` where (`make_slug` = 'mercedes-benz' and `model_slug` = 'glc' and `lease_live` = 1 and `lease_active` = 1 and `live` = 1) and `lease_hash` is not null and `trim_slug` = 'amg-line' order by `bodytype` asc
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select distinct `doors` from `car_specs` inner join `lease_offers_personal` on `lease_offers_personal`.`id_car` = `car_specs`.`car_id` inner join `dealers` on `dealers`.`did` = `lease_offers_personal`.`bid` where (`make_slug` = 'mercedes-benz' and `model_slug` = 'glc' and `lease_live` = 1 and `lease_active` = 1 and `live` = 1) and `lease_hash` is not null and `trim_slug` = 'amg-line' order by `doors` asc
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select distinct `term` from `car_specs` inner join `lease_offers_personal` on `lease_offers_personal`.`id_car` = `car_specs`.`car_id` inner join `dealers` on `dealers`.`did` = `lease_offers_personal`.`bid` where (`make_slug` = 'mercedes-benz' and `model_slug` = 'glc' and `lease_live` = 1 and `lease_active` = 1 and `live` = 1) and `lease_hash` is not null and `trim_slug` = 'amg-line' and `term` in (6, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 60) order by `term` asc
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select distinct `deposit_type` from `car_specs` inner join `lease_offers_personal` on `lease_offers_personal`.`id_car` = `car_specs`.`car_id` inner join `dealers` on `dealers`.`did` = `lease_offers_personal`.`bid` where (`make_slug` = 'mercedes-benz' and `model_slug` = 'glc' and `lease_live` = 1 and `lease_active` = 1 and `live` = 1) and `lease_hash` is not null and `trim_slug` = 'amg-line' and `term` in (6, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 60) and `deposit_type` in (1, 3, 6, 9, 12) order by `deposit_type` asc
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select distinct `mileage` from `car_specs` inner join `lease_offers_personal` on `lease_offers_personal`.`id_car` = `car_specs`.`car_id` inner join `dealers` on `dealers`.`did` = `lease_offers_personal`.`bid` where (`make_slug` = 'mercedes-benz' and `model_slug` = 'glc' and `lease_live` = 1 and `lease_active` = 1 and `live` = 1) and `lease_hash` is not null and `trim_slug` = 'amg-line' and `term` in (6, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 60) and `deposit_type` in (1, 3, 6, 9, 12) and `mileage` in (5000, 6000, 8000, 10000, 12000, 15000, 20000, 25000, 30000, 35000, 40000) order by `mileage` asc
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select (personal+business) as total from `lease_offers_count` order by `id` desc limit 1
Backtrace |
select `Text` from `seo` where (`Make` = 'Mercedes-Benz' and `Model` = 'GLC' and `Type` = 'Car - Personal Lease')
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `min_price` from `min_price_personal_lease` where `make` = 'Mercedes-Benz' and `model` = 'GLC' limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
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0 of 0array:7 [▼ "_token" => "lWVVVd5hf8Ftu6mNVLcgfeNby3HlcSQKqoKXRvat" "views" => 1 "uid" => "59e6c4b04732f22b740a929ee212b3f2" "last_results_page" => "/personal-car-leasing/mercedes-benz/glc/amg-line/?page=28&trimText=AMG%20Line" "_previous" => array:1 [▶ "url" => "" ] "_flash" => array:2 [▶ "old" => [] "new" => [] ] "PHPDEBUGBAR_STACK_DATA" => [] ]