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1 x Application (93.79%) | 561ms |
1 x Booting (6.2%) | 37.09ms |
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select `car_id` from `car_specs` where (`make_slug` = 'skoda' and `model_slug` = 'scala') limit 1
Bindings |
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select count(*) as aggregate from `lease_offers_personal` inner join `car_specs` on `car_specs`.`car_id` = `lease_offers_personal`.`id_car` inner join `dealers` on `dealers`.`did` = `lease_offers_personal`.`bid` where (`make_slug` = 'skoda' and `model_slug` = 'scala' and `lease_live` = 1 and `lease_active` = 1 and `live` = 1) and `lease_hash` is not null and `deposit_type` <= 1
Bindings |
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select lease_hash, same_deal_hash, d_sub, d_subid, lease_live, logo, name, linked, cap_id, car_id, business, personal, in_stock, delivery_time_type, delivery_time_value, metallic_inc, term, mileage, deposit, price_monthly, admin_fee, version, urllink, bid, lease_id, make, model, make_slug, model_slug, trim, uk_list from `lease_offers_personal` inner join `car_specs` on `car_specs`.`car_id` = `lease_offers_personal`.`id_car` inner join `dealers` on `dealers`.`did` = `lease_offers_personal`.`bid` where (`make_slug` = 'skoda' and `model_slug` = 'scala' and `lease_live` = 1 and `lease_active` = 1 and `live` = 1) and `lease_hash` is not null and `deposit_type` <= 1 order by price_monthly, effective_cost limit 10 offset 830
Bindings |
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select distinct `make`, `model`, `version`, `trim`, `make_slug`, `model_slug` from `car_specs` where (`make_slug` = 'skoda' and `model_slug` = 'scala') group by `trim` order by `trim` asc
Bindings |
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select distinct `car_specs`.`cap_id` from `car_specs` inner join `images_izmo` on `car_specs`.`cap_id` = `images_izmo`.`cap_id` where `make_slug` = 'skoda' and `model_slug` = 'scala' order by `car_specs`.`cap_id` desc limit 1
Bindings |
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select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` where `cap_id` = 103983 and `ima_type` = 'CAR' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' order by `ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `make`, `model` from `car_specs` where `cap_id` = 103983 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'Skoda' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'Scala' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_backfill` where `ima_make` = 'Skoda' and `ima_model` = 'Scala' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `bid` from `lease_features` where `manufacturer` = 'Skoda' order by RAND() limit 1
Bindings |
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select `make_related`, `model_related`, `min_price` from `related_lease_models` inner join `min_price_personal_lease` on `min_price_personal_lease`.`make` = `related_lease_models`.`make_related` and `min_price_personal_lease`.`model` = `related_lease_models`.`model_related` where (`related_lease_models`.`make` = 'Skoda' and `related_lease_models`.`model` = 'Scala') group by `make_related`, `model_related` order by sort_order ASC limit 5
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'Peugeot' and `car_specs`.`model` = '2008' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'Vauxhall' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'Grandland' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'Nissan' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'Juke' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'Nissan' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'Qashqai' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_backfill` where `ima_make` = 'Nissan' and `ima_model` = 'Qashqai' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'Vauxhall' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'Corsa' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select distinct `make`, `model`, `version`, `trim`, `make_slug`, `model_slug` from `car_specs` where (`make_slug` = 'skoda' and `model_slug` = 'scala') group by `trim` order by `trim` asc
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `make`, `make_slug`, `model_slug`, `model`, `version`, `cap_id`, `veh_id`, `urllink`, `logo`, `bid`, `d_subid`, `otrprice`, `linked`, `uk_list`, `dealers`.`acc_type`, `cpclick` from `cus_cars` inner join `car_specs` on `car_specs`.`car_id` = `cus_cars`.`id_car` inner join `dealers` on `dealers`.`did` = `cus_cars`.`bid` inner join `account` on `broke_id` = `bid` or `broke_id` = `d_subid` inner join `partner_agents` on `partner_agents`.`pa_bid` = `dealers`.`did` where (`make_slug` = 'skoda' and `model_slug` = 'scala' and `amount` > 0 and `d_live` = 1 and `live` = 1 and `cap_id` > 1 and `otrprice` > 5000 and `pa_pid` = 5) order by `otrprice` asc limit 2
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `make`, `make_slug`, `model_slug`, `model`, `version`, `cap_id`, `veh_id`, `urllink`, `logo`, `bid`, `d_subid`, `otrprice`, `linked`, `uk_list`, `dealers`.`acc_type`, `cpclick` from `cus_cars` inner join `car_specs` on `car_specs`.`car_id` = `cus_cars`.`id_car` inner join `dealers` on `dealers`.`did` = `cus_cars`.`bid` inner join `account` on `broke_id` = `bid` or `broke_id` = `d_subid` inner join `partner_agents` on `partner_agents`.`pa_bid` = `dealers`.`did` where (`make_slug` = 'skoda' and `model_slug` = 'scala' and `amount` > 0 and `d_live` = 1 and `live` = 1 and `cap_id` > 1 and `otrprice` > 5000 and `pa_pid` = 5) order by `otrprice` asc limit 2
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select make, model, MIN(otrprice/uk_list) as discount from `cus_cars` inner join `car_specs` on `car_specs`.`car_id` = `cus_cars`.`id_car` inner join `dealers` on `dealers`.`did` = `cus_cars`.`bid` inner join `account` on `broke_id` = `bid` or `broke_id` = `d_subid` inner join `partner_agents` on `partner_agents`.`pa_bid` = `dealers`.`did` where (`make_slug` = 'skoda' and `model_slug` = 'scala' and `live` = 1 and `cap_id` > 1 and `d_live` = 1 and `amount` > 0 and `otrprice` > 5000 and `uk_list` > 1000 and `pa_pid` = 5) and (otrprice/uk_list) <= 0.995 group by `model`
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select distinct `make`, `make_slug` from `car_specs` order by `make` asc
Backtrace |
select `car_specs`.`make`, `car_specs`.`model`, `car_specs`.`make_slug`, `car_specs`.`model_slug`, `min_price_personal_lease`.`min_price` as `price_monthly` from `car_specs` left join `min_price_personal_lease` on `car_specs`.`make` = `min_price_personal_lease`.`make` and `car_specs`.`model` = `min_price_personal_lease`.`model` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'skoda' group by `car_specs`.`model` order by `car_specs`.`model` asc
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'Skoda' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'Elroq' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_backfill` where `ima_make` = 'Skoda' and `ima_model` = 'Elroq' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'Skoda' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'Enyaq' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'Skoda' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'Enyaq Coupe' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'Skoda' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'Fabia Hatchback' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'Skoda' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'Kamiq' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'Skoda' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'Karoq' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_backfill` where `ima_make` = 'Skoda' and `ima_model` = 'Karoq' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'Skoda' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'Kodiaq' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'Skoda' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'Octavia Estate' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_backfill` where `ima_make` = 'Skoda' and `ima_model` = 'Octavia Estate' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'Skoda' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'Octavia Hatchback' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_backfill` where `ima_make` = 'Skoda' and `ima_model` = 'Octavia Hatchback' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'Skoda' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'Scala' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_backfill` where `ima_make` = 'Skoda' and `ima_model` = 'Scala' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'Skoda' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'Superb Estate' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_backfill` where `ima_make` = 'Skoda' and `ima_model` = 'Superb Estate' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_izmo` inner join `car_specs` on `images_izmo`.`cap_id` = `car_specs`.`cap_id` where `car_specs`.`make` = 'Skoda' and `car_specs`.`model` = 'Superb Hatchback' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' order by `images_izmo`.`cap_id` desc, `images_izmo`.`ima_model_year` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `path`, `izmoAlias` from `images_backfill` where `ima_make` = 'Skoda' and `ima_model` = 'Superb Hatchback' and `path` != '' and `izmoAlias` != '' and `ima_type` = 'CAR' limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select distinct MAX(price_monthly) as max_price, MIN(price_monthly) as min_price from `car_specs` inner join `lease_offers_personal` on `lease_offers_personal`.`id_car` = `car_specs`.`car_id` inner join `dealers` on `dealers`.`did` = `lease_offers_personal`.`bid` where (`make_slug` = 'skoda' and `model_slug` = 'scala' and `lease_live` = 1 and `lease_active` = 1 and `live` = 1) and `lease_hash` is not null and `deposit_type` <= 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select distinct MAX(price_monthly) as max_price, MIN(price_monthly) as min_price, MAX(price_monthly) as max_price, MIN(price_monthly) as min_price from `car_specs` inner join `lease_offers_personal` on `lease_offers_personal`.`id_car` = `car_specs`.`car_id` inner join `dealers` on `dealers`.`did` = `lease_offers_personal`.`bid` where (`make_slug` = 'skoda' and `model_slug` = 'scala' and `lease_live` = 1 and `lease_active` = 1 and `live` = 1) and `lease_hash` is not null and `deposit_type` <= 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select distinct `trim`, `trim_slug` from `car_specs` inner join `lease_offers_personal` on `lease_offers_personal`.`id_car` = `car_specs`.`car_id` inner join `dealers` on `dealers`.`did` = `lease_offers_personal`.`bid` where (`make_slug` = 'skoda' and `model_slug` = 'scala' and `lease_live` = 1 and `lease_active` = 1 and `live` = 1) and `lease_hash` is not null and `deposit_type` <= 1 order by `trim_slug` asc
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select distinct `car_id`, `version` from `car_specs` inner join `lease_offers_personal` on `lease_offers_personal`.`id_car` = `car_specs`.`car_id` inner join `dealers` on `dealers`.`did` = `lease_offers_personal`.`bid` where (`make_slug` = 'skoda' and `model_slug` = 'scala' and `lease_live` = 1 and `lease_active` = 1 and `live` = 1) and `lease_hash` is not null and `deposit_type` <= 1 order by `version` asc
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select distinct `fuel` from `car_specs` inner join `lease_offers_personal` on `lease_offers_personal`.`id_car` = `car_specs`.`car_id` inner join `dealers` on `dealers`.`did` = `lease_offers_personal`.`bid` where (`make_slug` = 'skoda' and `model_slug` = 'scala' and `lease_live` = 1 and `lease_active` = 1 and `live` = 1) and `lease_hash` is not null and `deposit_type` <= 1 order by `fuel` asc
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select distinct `transmission` from `car_specs` inner join `lease_offers_personal` on `lease_offers_personal`.`id_car` = `car_specs`.`car_id` inner join `dealers` on `dealers`.`did` = `lease_offers_personal`.`bid` where (`make_slug` = 'skoda' and `model_slug` = 'scala' and `lease_live` = 1 and `lease_active` = 1 and `live` = 1) and `lease_hash` is not null and `deposit_type` <= 1 order by `transmission` asc
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select distinct `engine` from `car_specs` inner join `lease_offers_personal` on `lease_offers_personal`.`id_car` = `car_specs`.`car_id` inner join `dealers` on `dealers`.`did` = `lease_offers_personal`.`bid` where (`make_slug` = 'skoda' and `model_slug` = 'scala' and `lease_live` = 1 and `lease_active` = 1 and `live` = 1) and `lease_hash` is not null and `deposit_type` <= 1 order by `engine` asc
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select distinct `bodytype` from `car_specs` inner join `lease_offers_personal` on `lease_offers_personal`.`id_car` = `car_specs`.`car_id` inner join `dealers` on `dealers`.`did` = `lease_offers_personal`.`bid` where (`make_slug` = 'skoda' and `model_slug` = 'scala' and `lease_live` = 1 and `lease_active` = 1 and `live` = 1) and `lease_hash` is not null and `deposit_type` <= 1 order by `bodytype` asc
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select distinct `doors` from `car_specs` inner join `lease_offers_personal` on `lease_offers_personal`.`id_car` = `car_specs`.`car_id` inner join `dealers` on `dealers`.`did` = `lease_offers_personal`.`bid` where (`make_slug` = 'skoda' and `model_slug` = 'scala' and `lease_live` = 1 and `lease_active` = 1 and `live` = 1) and `lease_hash` is not null and `deposit_type` <= 1 order by `doors` asc
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select distinct `term` from `car_specs` inner join `lease_offers_personal` on `lease_offers_personal`.`id_car` = `car_specs`.`car_id` inner join `dealers` on `dealers`.`did` = `lease_offers_personal`.`bid` where (`make_slug` = 'skoda' and `model_slug` = 'scala' and `lease_live` = 1 and `lease_active` = 1 and `live` = 1) and `lease_hash` is not null and `deposit_type` <= 1 and `term` in (6, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 60) order by `term` asc
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select distinct `mileage` from `car_specs` inner join `lease_offers_personal` on `lease_offers_personal`.`id_car` = `car_specs`.`car_id` inner join `dealers` on `dealers`.`did` = `lease_offers_personal`.`bid` where (`make_slug` = 'skoda' and `model_slug` = 'scala' and `lease_live` = 1 and `lease_active` = 1 and `live` = 1) and `lease_hash` is not null and `deposit_type` <= 1 and `term` in (6, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 60) and `mileage` in (5000, 6000, 8000, 10000, 12000, 15000, 20000, 25000, 30000, 35000, 40000) order by `mileage` asc
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select (personal+business) as total from `lease_offers_count` order by `id` desc limit 1
Backtrace |
select `Text` from `seo` where (`Make` = 'Skoda' and `Model` = 'Scala' and `Type` = 'Car - Personal Lease')
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `min_price` from `min_price_personal_lease` where `make` = 'Skoda' and `model` = 'Scala' limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
0 of 0array:2 [▼ "page" => "84" "fDeposit" => 1 ]
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0 of 0array:3 [▼ "uid" => "d489eff259b1ff3cd4174028717f843c" "XSRF-TOKEN" => "KLapqiqSNhQ5icGvz1mq5ea7oHSoQAHiuwsM0Ltz" "laravel_session" => "4FWHivJsrglHRk7sllY8cdubs2YWLBZHBnB14yI6" ]
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