Start your search for a Volvo personal lease by choosing a model below. We have all Volvo models available for you to compare deals from top UK leasing companies.
from £401.96 per month Compare Deals
from £634.14 per month Compare Deals
from £333.12 per month Compare Deals
from £469.19 per month Compare Deals
from £1,266.55 per month Compare Deals
from £693.00 per month Compare Deals
from £1,030.55 per month Compare Deals
from £323.28 per month Compare Deals
from £691.22 per month Compare Deals
from £332.52 per month Compare Deals
from £425.26 per month Compare Deals
from £515.42 per month Compare Deals
Volvo oozes Scandinavian sophistication through every one of its models. Whether it’s a Volvo family car, tranquil estate or electric car, the Swedish automaker has a spotless reputation for style, comfort and safety. If you’ve got your eye on your next car and it’s a Volvo, using cars2buy’s live-updating selection of the best Volvo lease deals on the internet will help you get the perfect lease in a flash.
Going through the range of Volvo cars on offer for personal leasing, the Volvo S60 and S90 executive sedans have received much attention in the UK, with reviews calling them “everything we've come to love about new-age Volvos in a smaller size”. Conversely, the Volvo V60 and V90 luxury estate models are designed around family life and emphasise safety, comfort and versatility.
The tip of the mountain is the Volvo XC40, XC60 and XC90 range of SUVs, which have all won multiple awards and feature the latest technology. What’s more, they sport a maximum five-star Euro NCAP safety rating. You’ll love the Volvo XC40 for its incredible give in the corners and practical interior space, guaranteeing you a comfortable drive.
No matter the roads you drive or the vehicle style you prefer, Volvo has designed a car model perfect for you to lease. Simply browse their model range today to find the perfect Volvo lease for you.
If you’re interested in getting yourself a brand-new Volvo, cars2buy’s bevvy of bonus features will enhance your experience and find you the best deal for you. Take a look through all our filter tools and use them to your heart’s content. Our simple and transparent lease comparison service allows you to browse all our Volvo lease deals from trusted UK dealerships.
We have thousands of offers for new Volvo PCPs, so it’s practically impossible to come up short when looking for what works for you. To narrow down your search, cars2buy allows you to filter through contract length, the initial payment and monthly rental, trim and engine size. From there, browse through the results and you could be driving a Volvo on lease sooner than you think. If you are looking for a Volvo business lease, we have a number of options available here.