Term: 36 months
Annual Mileage: Unlimited
Initial Payment: £2,262.12 + VAT
Monthly Price (+ VAT):
Term: 48 months
Annual Mileage: 10,000
Initial Payment: £2,269.59 + VAT
Monthly Price (+ VAT):
Term: 36 months
Annual Mileage: 5,000
Initial Payment: £6,828.21 + VAT
Monthly Price (+ VAT):
save up to % off list price
Term: 48 months
Annual Mileage: 5,000
Initial Payment: £769.90 + VAT
Monthly Price (+ VAT):
Term: 36 months
Annual Mileage: 10,000
Initial Payment: £6,984.54 + VAT
Monthly Price (+ VAT):
Term: 48 months
Annual Mileage: 10,000
Initial Payment: £788.05 + VAT
Monthly Price (+ VAT):
Term: 36 months
Annual Mileage: 5,000
Initial Payment: £4,885.20 + VAT
Monthly Price (+ VAT):
Term: 36 months
Annual Mileage: 10,000
Initial Payment: £4,997.10 + VAT
Monthly Price (+ VAT):
Term: 36 months
Annual Mileage: 5,000
Initial Payment: £2,635.44 + VAT
Monthly Price (+ VAT):
Term: 36 months
Annual Mileage: 10,000
Initial Payment: £2,695.80 + VAT
Monthly Price (+ VAT):
Compare Mercedes-Benz Sprinter L2 van leases and contract hire on cars2buy's van leasing and contract hire comparison site to find the best van leasing deals available in the UK from Mercedes-Benz van dealers and leasing companies. We advertise the cheapest Mercedes-Benz Sprinter L2 leases to ensure that you are getting the best deal available. If you are looking to lease a Mercedes-Benz Sprinter L2 then you have come to the right place!