AX warns drivers about growing numbers of car-jackings

26 Apr 2019

AX warns drivers about growing numbers of car-jackings

It's something that all motorists hope they will never have to think about, but one organisation has been offering tips on how to avoid falling victim to a car-jacking.

Home Office figures reveal vehicle thefts to be at an all-time high of more than 110,000 a year, but vehicle protection technology provider AX said it is particularly concerned about the rising number of cars being taken by force while their owners are still in them.

It revealed it is seeing more inventive car-jacking tactics being used by thieves, including leaving leaflets on the windscreen and taking the car when the driver gets out to remove them, and even placing dead animals in the road so motorists are forced to investigate but leave their car temporarily unattended.

This is on top of the concerning incidents in which drivers are targeted with violence before criminals manage to get behind the wheel and drive off.

AX's list of tips include remaining vigilant and walking around the car before unlocking and starting it up, as this will ensure no alterations have been made while it has been parked.

The company also warned against unlocking cars from a distance, for example, in public supermarket car parks. Comforting though this may be on a dark night, it could unwittingly make motorists a target for thieves.

Finally, AX advised sounding the horn and making as much noise as possible if drivers have any concerns about their safety, as this may be enough to scare off a would-be car-jacker.

Director of investigative services at AX and a former Detective Inspector for West Midlands Police Neil Thomas said:  "As vehicle thefts rise, we've noticed new methods being used that are much sneakier. We urge drivers to remain vigilant and, most importantly, if you are threatened with violence, give up your car - your life is far more valuable than any vehicle."